a new era of traveling
Pinsteps – a platform for traveling.
Countless routes - adventures
recorded by people, you can enjoy yourself
Today we focus on
connecting flights
The problems with long connecting flight
Demand for tickets
People try to avoid buying tickets for connection flights with long layover periods. On the other hand, the airlines try their best in order to sell these tickets. For example, Turkish Airlines often offer a free stay in a hotel in Istanbul if the waiting time for the connecting flight is long, or in the case of transfers during day time - a free excursion. That is what many airlines do.
Passengers are often afraid of going out in an unknown city, because they are not familiar with it, even though the need and the interest of getting to know a new city exists.
The most common are the issues with connection, lack of knowledge about local transportation, and language skills.
What to visit
The first problem that arises is the shortage of time for searching places to visit and planning a route. The second problem is the distrust the customers hold in regards to different services, such as TripAdvisor.
Fear of missing the flight
An unknown city leads to the fear of not returning to the connection flight in time.

The Solution

Pinsteps - detailed routes with a navigation system,
recorded by both professionals and everyday travelers.

The routes take you from point to point, from an airport to a city and back.
Use it offline with medias, life-hacks, shortcuts, costs, and in your language.
Choose a route you like.
Discover experience and reviews
Download the selected route.
Be sure it is
available offline
Get going! Travel from the airport and back to the airport.
Pinsteps is available offline in every country
Our Product
An interesting transfer
Flying to London with a layover in Frankfurt?
Seize the chance to discover both cities.
A night-time connection? Enjoy the dawn from the observation deck.
Offline mode
Download route via airport wi-fi and feel free to start your journey with GPS
Your every step is fully detailed: from which ticket to buy, what bus line to catch and to where to walk and how much it will cost.
Get notified when your flight is approaching. We take all the precautionary measures necessary to make sure you get back on time.
Choose a route that is interesting for you: attractions, bars or nature sights.
Team up with users nearby to take the route together.
We use official airports council international's full-year 2013 statistics and research of percentages of transfer passengers (source).
Example for 16 airports only
Total passengers per year: 856 006 157
Total connecting flight passengers: 259 371 536

ARPU = $1 gives upper bound ~ $260M per year

Delta value for flight ticket varies up to $200.
For example, having ARPU = $10, we get upper bound ~ $2,6B per year

Example is provided for 2013 year for 16 airport only.
Now statistics growths up.

According to the Airports Council International (ACI)
World Airport Traffic Report, there were 17,678 commercial airports in the world (2015)
Business model in connecting flights focus
B2C, in-app purchases.
Detailed routes are created by professional Pinsteps Team and are distributed in the app from $10 per route.
Long-term goals
Vision for the next 5 years
Now - end 2020
Now - end 2020
Connecting flights focus
Implement stable business, grow brand awareness, grow user base
End of period - break even, A-round investment
2020 - mid 2021
2020 - mid 2021
Implement marketplace for travel bloggers/guides, services for hotels
Mid 2021+
Mid 2021+
Big data
Collecting huge travel data, analysis, B2B sales of data, platform №1 for traveler's needs
Presentation deck
This is a presentation deck for whole project including information about connecting flights focus
Discover our team
If you have a question
Feel free to contact us.
Or visit our web site
2067043, Israel, Yokneam Illit, Avital, 43
+972 537907561