Got a car? Become a driver!
Got a mobile? Become a guide!
Who we are
Pinsteps is a digital platform for travelers.
We provide digital tours completed with detailed step-by-steps trips.

We launched a community for sharing travel experience,
a marketplace for travel bloggers and guides.

A killer feature is our unique technology of recording traveler's experience, trips and stories.
It allows creating and sharing traveler content with ease.
Navigates offline

Pinsteps navigates travelers offline and supports 10 most popular languages.
Significant change

We work with municipalities, hotels and about to make a significant change in market of travel.
Uber collaboration
We look for a significant partner and
investor to scale changes in travel market.
Here is our vision of an integration:
Uber to Pinsteps
Use Uber to reach a starting point of a tour from your current location.
Pre-detailed information includes the route and an approximate price.

Possibility to start a tour from any point of a tour.
Exclusively Uber rights for transportations.
Pinsteps to Uber
Discover trips and tours around you while finishing your Uber ride.
Use Uber to start a tour and enjoy of it's details in Pinsteps app.

An integration of Pinsteps tours & routes into Uber application.
Let Uber take care of your route and Pinsteps take of your content.
A customer gets a complete travel solution.
Private Hop-On Hop-Off any time any place.
User travel data sharing
Analytics and depersonalized data collection
of travelers behavior is one of Pinsteps' long-term targets.
Our technology:
how we collect data
A technology we've created allows us to collect and share all the travel data of our users.
Offline mode
Even in offline mode we are able to record user's experience and analysis it afterwards.
GDPR is included :)
Travel data
Vast travel data including age, travel directions, types of traveling by foot behavior (rare data), expenditures, communication with other travelers, most popular places, reviews, and recent behavior twists.
Joining Uber as a travel extension and being smart invested is a good opportunity for our growing and world-traveling changings.

A presentation deck of the project including the current stage and investment information is attached.